A family, a girl and a lighthouse

learning from the child





child, childhood, family, complexity, listening


This article presents theoretical- clinical reflections on family care with the presence of the child, as an integral part of a family therapy course in São Paulo. Based on several theorists of systemic therapy and other areas such as philosophy, sociology of childhood and pedagogy, the importance of the family therapist’s listening skills to the child’s presentation is discussed, as the child has complex thinking and relational sensitivity that can contribute to the family’s therapeutic process. To this end, it is necessary to develop lenses through which to view children’s potential, including the different ways in which children express themselves in dialogical conversations, as well as the ways in which they construct meaning and significance in relationships. Keywords: child, childhood, family, complexity, listening.


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Author Biographies

Walkyria Dias, Instituto de Terapia Familiar de São Paulo, São Paulo/SP

Mestre em Serviço Social. Graduada em Serviço social. Terapeuta Familiar e de Casal.

Mônica Genofre

Psicóloga clinica pela PUC. Terapeuta de casal e família PUC. Docente, supervisora e membro da equipe gestora do Instituto de terapia familiar de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Dias, W., & Genofre, M. (2024). A family, a girl and a lighthouse: learning from the child. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 33(78), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.38034/nps.v33i78.774


