Social constructionist systemic view and the uses of digital media by children and youths




social constructionism, family therapy, childhood, youth, digital media


This article consists of a narrative review of the literature about the use of digital media by children and young people under a systemic social constructionist approach. How is the notion of risk constructed and in what contexts are media potentialities or risks and problems for socio-emotional development described? The literature using the systemic social constructionist perspective describes changes in the spheres of the self and relationships, associated with the use of digital media. Some studies question the supposed rhetoric of “addiction” and essentialism bias, involving political, discursive, ideological aspects, market interests, in addition to fundamental categories (of race, gender, sexuality) intertwined in the experimenting of young users on digital screens. This study emphasizes the sphere of embodied dialogues and joint action between the multiple agents involved. The social constructionist systemic view expands the intelligibility of this theme, with possibilities of invitations to reflection, useful in preventive and clinical contexts.


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Author Biographies

Cândido Fontan Barros, University of Sao Paulo

Doutorando no Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Médico psiquiatra de crianças, adolescentes e adultos. Certificado Internacional em Práticas Colaborativas e Dialógicas pelo ICCP INTERFACI. Especialista em problemas da aprendizagem pela USP RP.

Leopoldo Fulgencio, University of Sao Paulo

Professor Associado (Livre-Docente) do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Psicólogo, pesquisador com foco nas propostas de D. W. Winnicott e estudo das teorias psicanalíticas do desenvolvimento.



How to Cite

Barros, C. F., & Fulgencio, L. (2023). Social constructionist systemic view and the uses of digital media by children and youths. Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica, 32(76), 19–31.


